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Indian Tribes and Languages of the Great Basin

This is an index to the Native American language and cultural information on our website pertaining to Great Basin Indian tribes.

Great Basin Culture Area

Tribes and Languages of the Great Basin Culture Group

The Great Basin culture area is located in what is now Nevada and Utah, western Colorado and Wyoming, southern Idaho, southeastern Oregon, and parts of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Montana. Today, all of these tribes continue to live in the Great Basin region, particularly in Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Idaho, and eastern California. However, many of the Great Basin languages, particularly in California, are endangered or near extinction. To learn more about a Great Basin tribe and their native language, click on one of the following links:

The Bannock Tribe The Chemehuevi Tribe The Kawaiisu Tribe The Lohim Tribe The Mono Tribe
The Paiute Tribe The Panamint Tribe The Shoshone Tribe The Washoe Tribe The Ute Tribe

See also our new Shoshone, Bannock, Paiute, and Ute Facts for Kids pages!

Recommended books about Native American tribes of the Great Basin
(Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these Amazon links)

*Great Basin Indians: An Encyclopedic History:
    Thorough book on the history and cultures of the Great Basin Native Americans.
*Prehistoric Lifeways in the Great Basin Wetlands:
    Archaeology book about ancient Indian history in the Great Basin area.
*The Great Basin Indians: Daily Life in the 1700's:
    Illustrated kids' book on the Native American tribes of the Great Basin.
*Indians of the Plateau and Great Basin:
    Another good book on Great Basin tribes for kids, with lots of pictures.
*Indian Basket-Makers of California and the Great Basin:
    Book on the basketry art of Great Basin Indians.
*Stone Age Spear and Arrow Points of the Great Basin:
    Illustrated guide to Great Basin arrowheads and other artifacts.
*Handbook of North American Indians: Great Basin:
    Detailed ethnography of the Great Basin Indian tribes.

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Other Internet resources about American Indian history, society, and customs in the Great Basin region:

*Indians of the Great Basin:
    A series of articles on the early Native American peoples of the Great Basin.
*Great Basin Culture Area:
    Overview of Great Basin Native American culture, with museum photographs.
*Native Peoples of North America: Great Basin:
    Essay on Great Basin Indian history during the Paleo-Indian, Archaic, and Contact periods.
*Tribes of the High Desert:
    Interesting article on the culture and traditions of indigenous people in the Great Basin culture area.
*Map of the Great Basin Culture Area:
    Detailed map showing where the various tribes and bands of the Great Basin region were located.
*Indians 101: The Great Basin Culture Area:
    Article on the original tribes of the Basin region, their culture and art.
*Great Basin Tribes:
    Encyclopedia article on the Indian tribes of the Great Basin, with photos and maps.
*Clothing Styles of the Great Basin and Plateau:
    Sketches of traditional clothes used by the Great Basin Native Americans.
*Brush Shelters:
    Photographs and information about wickiup houses and other traditional Basin Indian homes.
*Great Basin Indian Religion and Ritual:
    Article on traditional shamanism and 19th-century peyote religion among the Great Basin tribes.
Great Basin Cultural Objects:
    Online museum exhibit with photographs of artifacts from the Great Basin tribes.

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