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Cacua Indian Language (Kakwa, Kakua)

Language: Cacua is a Maku language. Cacua is spoken by around 100 people in Colombia. It is a tone language with verb-final word order (SOV or OSV.)

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Cacua Language Resources

Cacua Language: * Cacua Orthography: * Cacua Phonology: * Cacua Text:
    Scanned-in Cacua language materials from the Rosetta Project.
Cacua Prayers:
    Cacua translations of the Lord's Prayer and other Christian prayers.
Lengua Kakua
     Information on the Cacua language, including linguistic maps of Colombia. Page in Spanish.
Wikipedia: Kakwa:
     Encyclopedia entry on the Cacua language.
House of Languages: Cacua-Nukak:
    Information about Cacua language usage.
     Demographic information about Cacua from the Ethnologue of Languages.
Kakua Language Tree:
    Theories about Cacua's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Cacua Language Structures:
    Cacua linguistic profile and academic bibliography.
Los Indios Cacua
Information about the Cacua tribe in Spanish.

Books for Sale on the Cacuas
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The Languages of the Andes:
    Linguistic information about Kakua and dozens of other languages of Colombia.

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