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Changuena Indian Language
Changuena is an extinct Chibchan language, closely related to the living language
Changuena was once spoken in Costa Rica and Panama.
Sponsored Links
Changuena Words:
Our list of vocabulary words in the Changuena language, with comparison to words in other Chibchan languages.
Changuina Animal Words:
Illustrated glossary of animal words in the Changuina language.
Indigenous Languages in Costa Rica:
Map showing where in Costa Rica the Changuena language was spoken.
Costa Rican Languages Collection: Chibchan:
Linguistics article on the Dorasque and Changuena languages.
Dorasque-Changuena Language Tree:
Theories about Changuena's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Vocabulario castellano-dorasque: chumulu, gualaca y changuina:
Dorasque/Changina dictionary for sale. Book is in Spanish.
Links, References, and Additional Information
Wikipedia: Chibchan Languages:
Encyclopedia article on the Chibchan language family, including Chánguena.

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