Indian languages
Indian nations
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As a complement to our Crow language information, here is our collection of indexed links
about the Crow Indian tribe and their society. Please note that Crows and other
American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Crow history is interesting and
important, but the Crow Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional
folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies
of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.
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Our Crow Websites
Crow Language:
Information and language learning materials from the Crow Indian language.
Crow Facts for Kids:
Questions and answers about Crow culture.
Crow Legends:
Collection of Crow Indian legends and folktales.
Crow Tribal and Community Websites
Crow Tribe:
Official homepage of the Apsaalooke Crow Nation.
Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council:
Coalition of ten Indian tribes in Montana and Wyoming, including the Crow Nation.
Maps of Crow Lands
Virtual Museum of New France: Plains Indians:
Historical maps and articles about the Crow, Sioux,
Hidatsa, and other Plains Indian tribes.
Crow Lifestyle and Tradition
The Apsaroke:
Curtis' early 20th-century ethnography of the Crow Indians.
Flag of the Crow Nation:
Picture and meaning of the Crow flag.
Crow Indian Clothing Traditional Indian Clothes Feathered War Bonnets Indian Hairstyle:
Pictures of traditional Crow Indian clothing and hair.
Crow Tribe
Article on the Crows' history and culture.
Crow Legends:
Collection of Crow Indian legends and folktales.
Native American Religions:
Advice for people researching Crow religion and other American Indian spirituality.
Big Horn Medicine Wheel Crow Reservation Medicine Wheel:
Articles on Crow and other Native American medicine wheels, with photos of an ancient site.
Crow Literature and Arts
Crow Indian Authors:
Profiles and work of three Crow writers.
Plains Indian Beadwork:
Article on the beading crafts of the Crows and other Plains Indians.
American Indian Art:
Information, photographs and links about Crow and other native art.
Crow History and Biography
Apsaroke Warriors:
Biographical sketches of 19th century Crow individuals.
The 1837 Smallpox Epidemic:
Article about the devastating effects of smallpox on the Crows and other Plains Indians.
Four Directions: Crow:
Timeline and links about Crow history.
Books for sale on the Crow Indians
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
From the Heart of the Crow Country:
Stories told by a Crow Indian elder.
Crow Indian Beadwork:
Book about beads and beading in the Crow Indian Nation from 1805 to modern times.
Brave Wolf and the Thunderbird:
Children's book by a Native author illustrating a traditional Crow Indian story about a man who helps the thunderbirds.
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Links, References, and Additional Information
Wikipedia: Apsáalooke: Crow Tribe:
Encyclopedia articles about the Crow Indians.
Pueblo Crow Los Crow Historia y lengua Crow:
Information about the Crow tribe in Spanish.
Apsaroke/Crow Resources Crow Nation: Crow Tribe:
Crow links.
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