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Mashco (Mashcos)
"Mashco" is a general term used to refer to many of the Native American cultures of Peru, including Arawakan tribes such as the
Piro, Yine, and Machinere, and Harakmbut tribes like the Amarakaeri and Huachipaeri. The origins of this name are mysterious,
as each community seems to attribute it to a different one. Most Peruvian Indians today consider the word a derogatory one,
however, and as such it is rarely used within any of these indigenous communities.
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Here are links to our webpages about the Mashco tribes and languages:
Mashco Piro
South American Indians
Arawakan tribes
Languages of Peru
The Amazon rainforest tribes
Here are a few good books about the Mashcos:
Arakmbut Mythology, Spirituality, and History
The Last Shaman
Amarakaeri-Spanish dictionary

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