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Dorasque Indian Language

Dorasque is a Chibchan language of Central America.
Dorasque is spoken by more than 10,000 people in Costa Rica and Panama.

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Dorasque Language Resources

Dorasque Words
     Our list of vocabulary words in the Dorasque language, with comparison to words in other Chibchan languages.
Dorasque Animal Words:
     Illustrated glossary of animal words in the Dorasque language.
Dorasque Language Tree:
    Theories about Dorasque's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Costa Rican Languages Collection: Chibchan:
    Linguistics article on the Dorasque and Changuena languages.
Vocabulario castellano-dorasque: chumulu, gualaca y changuina:
    Dorasque dictionary for sale. Book is in Spanish.

Links, References, and Additional Information

  Wikipedia: Chibchan:
  Encyclopedia articles about the Chibchan languages, including Dorasque.
  Historia Indígena de Panamá * Cuentos Dorasques:
  Information about the Dorasque tribe in Spanish.

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