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Mixe-Zoque Language Family
The Mixe-Zoque languages, Mixe, Zoque, and Popoluca, have not been definitively linked with any of the larger
Mesoamerican language families.
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Mixe-Zoque languages are spoken in Mexico and include:
Our Mixe-Zoque Language Features
Mixe-Zoque Vocabulary:
Words in various Mixe-Zoque languages.
Links to Other Mixe-Zoque Language Resources
Mixe-Zoque Language Family:
Ethnologue of Mixe-Zoque languages.
Mixe-Zoquean Languages:
Overview of the Mixe-Zoque Indian languages, their history and distribution.
Familia de lenguas Mixe-Zoque Lenguajes mixe-zoqueanas:
Information about the Mixe-Zoque languages in Spanish.
Mixe-Zoque Language Materials Available Offline
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The Relationship Among the Mixe-Zoquean Languages of Mexico:
Comparative phonology, morphology, and historical linguistics of the Mixe-Zoque languages.
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