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Mataco Indian Language (Wichi)

Mataco is a Matacoan language of South America. Mataco is spoken by 40,000 people in Argentina and Bolivia. It has SVO word order.

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Mataco Language Resources

Indigenous People of Argentina and Chile: * Bolivian Language Map:
    Maps showing where in South America the Wichi languages are spoken.
Tribes of the Gran Chaco:
    Historical map of the Chaco Plain showing the original location of the Mataco tribe at the time of first contact.
Language Museum: Mataco * Wichí Lhamtés Vejoz: * Mataco Prayers:
    Translations of Bible passages into Mataco.
La Lengua Matako:
    Mataco language information including a linguistic map of Bolivia. Page in Spanish.
House of Languages: Wichí:
    Information about Wichi language usage.
Human Rights: Weenhayek:
    Translation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights into Weenhayek.
Wichí Lhamtés Güisnay * Wichí Lhamtés Nocten * Wichí Lhamtés Vejoz:
    Demographic information about the Mataco languages from the Ethnologue of Languages.
Güisnay Language Tree * Nocten Language Tree * Vejos Language Tree:
    Theories about Mataco's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Wichí Language Structures:
    Wichi/Mataco linguistic profile and academic bibliography.

Mataco Culture and History Links

The Wichí Fight for Survival in Argentina * Survival International: The Wichi:
    Articles about the problems faced by the Wichi people since colonization.
Tattooing in the Gran Chaco of South America:
    History of tattoo art among the Matacos and other Chacoan tribes. With pictures.
Indigenous Rights: The Wichi/Mataco:
    Article on the history and political situation of the Wichi tribe.

Links, References, and Additional Information

  Wikipedia: Wichi:
  Encyclopedia articles on the Wichi Indians.
  Pueblo Wichi * Los Wichi * Pueblo Weenhayek:
  Information about the Wichi tribe in Spanish.

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