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Miccosukee Indian Language (Mikasuki, Hitchiti)
Miccosukee is a Muskogean language of the American Southeast.
It is still spoken today by about 500 Seminole people in Florida, one of two languages spoken by the
Seminoles (the other is
Creek). Miccosukee is very closely related to another
Muskogean language, Hitchiti, and some linguists consider them
dialects of a single Hitchiti-Mikasuki language.
Like other Muskogean languages, Mikasuki is a language with morphologically complex verbs and SOV word order.
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Mikasuki Language
Mikasuki language samples and resources.
Mikasuki Culture and History
Information and links about the Mikasuki tribe past and present.
Miccosukee Indians Fact Sheet
Our answers to common questions about the Miccosukees.
Mikasuki Legends
Introduction to Mikasuki mythology.

Our Online Mikasuki Language Materials
Mikasuki Vocabulary
Our list of vocabulary words in the Mikasuki Indian language, with comparison to words in other Muskogean languages.
Mikasuki Pronunciation Guide:
How to pronounce Miccosukee words.
Mikasuki Animal Words:
Illustrated glossary of animal words in the Miccosukee language.
Mikasuki Body Parts:
Online and printable worksheets showing parts of the body in the Mikasuiki language.
Miccosukee Colors:
Worksheet showing color words in the Mikasuki language.
Mikasuki Dictionaries and Language Books for Sale
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Native Languages of the Southeastern United States:
Survey of Southeast Native American languages, including Mikasuki.
Native American Indian Dictionaries:
Mikasuki and other American Indian dictionaries and language materials for sale.
Mikasuki Language Lessons and Linguistic Descriptions
Linguistic description and a Bible translation in the Miccosukee language.
Miccosukee-Seminole Dictionary
Miccosukee wordlist from the Seminole Indian News.
Mikasuki Alphabet:
Phonological inventory of the Mikasuki language, with a sample text.
Language Museum: Mikasuki:
Bible passage in the Miccosukee Indian language.
Elders seek a way to preserve fading language
Article on language preservation efforts among the Miccosukee Indians.
House of Languages: Mikasuki:
Information about Mikasuki language usage.
Ethnologue: Mikasuki:
Demographic information about the Mikasuki language.
Mikasuki Language Tree:
Theories about Miccosukee's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Mikasuki Language Structures:
Mikasuki linguistic profile and academic bibliography.
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Links, References, and Additional Information
Mikasuki Language:
Encyclopedia articles on Miccosukee.
Lengua Mikasuki
Idioma Hitchiti-Mikasuki:
Information about the Miccosukee language in Spanish.
Miccosukee language links.
Miccosukee Tribe:
Miccosukee Indian books.

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