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Nomatsiguenga Indian Language
Nomatsiguenga is an Arawakan language of South America,
spoken by around 6000 people in Peru.
It is closely related to Machiguenga and
Ashaninka, and some people consider it to be a dialect
of one of those two languages. Nomatsiguenga is
polysynthetic and has
VSO word order.
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Nomatsiguenga Vocabulary
Our list of vocabulary words in the Nomatsiguenga language, with comparison to words in other Arawakan languages.
Nomatsiguenga Language Resources
Peru Linguistic Map
Tribes and Languages of Peru:
Maps showing the areas in South America where Nomatsiguenga is spoken.
Nomatsiguenga Language
Nomatsiguenga Orthography
Nomatsiguenga Linguistic Description
Nomatsiguenga Grammar:
Nomatsiguenga Pronunciation
Nomatsiguenga Language Map:
Nomatsiguenga Numbers
Nomatsiguenga Syntax:
Scanned-in Nomatsiguenga language materials from the Rosetta Project.
Human Rights: Nomatsiguenga:
Translation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights into the Nomatsiguenga language.
Information about Nomatsigenga language usage.
Matsigenga, Nomatsigenga, y Caquinte
Information on the Machiguenga and related languages, including a piece of a legend. Page in Spanish.
Nomatsiguenga Language:
Demographic information on Nomatsiguenga from the Ethnologue of Languages.
Nomatsiguenga Language Tree:
Theories about Nomatsiguenga's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Nomatsiguenga Language Structures:
Nomatsiguenga linguistic profiles and academic bibliographies.
Nomatsiguenga Prayers:
Translations of the Lord's Prayer into the Nomatsiguenga language.
Books for sale on the Nomatsiguengas
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Diccionario Nomatsiguenga-Castellano:
Spanish-Nomatsiguenga dictionary for sale online.
A Study of Aspects of Form and Meaning in Nomatsiguenga:
Linguistics book about Nomatsiguenga.
The Nomatsiguenga, a people in transition:
Ethnography of the Nomatsiguenga tribe.
Comparative Arawakan Histories:
Interesting book about the history and culture of the Arawak speaking tribes.
Sponsored Links
Links, References, and Additional Information
Los Nomatsiguenga de la Selva Central
El Pueblo Nomatsiguenga
Cultura Nomatsiguenga
Lengua Nomatsiguenga
Los Nomatsiguenga:
Information about the Nomatsiguenga tribe in Spanish.

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