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Indian Tribes and Languages of the Great Plains

Great Plains Culture Area

This is an index to the Native American language and cultural information on our website pertaining to Plains Indian tribes.

Tribes of the Great Plains Culture Group

*Arapaho Tribe
*Arikara Tribe
*Assiniboine Tribe
*Blackfoot Tribe
*Comanche Tribe
*Cheyenne Tribe
*Crow Tribe
*Gros Ventre Tribe
*Hidatsa Tribe
*Ioway Tribe
*Kaw Tribe
*Kiowa Tribe
*Kitsai Tribe
*Missouria Tribe
*Mandan Tribe
*Omaha Tribe
*Osage Tribe
*Otoe Tribe
*Pawnee Tribe
*Plains Ojibwe Tribe
*Plains Cree Tribe
*Plains Apache Tribe
*Ponca Tribe
*Quapaw Tribe
*Sarcee Tribe
*Sioux Tribe (Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota)
*Stoney Tribe
*Tonkawa Tribe
*Waco Tribe
*Wichita Tribe

Recommended books about Native American tribes of the Great Plains:
(Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links)

*Encyclopedia of the Great Plains Indians: In-depth reference work about Plains Indian tribes.

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