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Sacapulteco Indian Language
Sacapulteco is a Mayan
language. It is closely related to
and some people consider it a dialect of Quiche.
Sacapulteco is spoken by about 10,000 people in Guatemala.
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Sacapulteco Vocabulary
Our list of vocabulary words in the Sacapulteco language, with comparison to words in other Mayan languages.
Sacapultec Maya Pronunciation Guide:
How to pronounce Sacapulteco words.
Sacapulteco Animal Words:
Illustrated glossary of animal words in the Sacapulteco language.
Sacapulteco Body Parts:
Online and printable worksheets showing parts of the body in Sacapulteco.
Sacapulteco Colors:
Worksheet showing color words in Sacapulteco.
Sacapulteco Numbers:
Worksheet showing how to count in the Sacapulteco language.
Sacapulteco Language Resources
Language Map of Guatemala:
Map showing where in Central America the Sacapulteco language is spoken.
Tujaal Choltziij Sakapulteko:
Online Spanish-Sacapulteco glossary, with some audio clips of spoken words.
Lengua Sacapulteco
Information on the Sacapulteco language, including a linguistic map of Guatemala. Page in Spanish.
Wikipedia: Sakapultek:
Brief encyclopedia entry on Sacapulteco.
House of Languages: Sacapulteco:
Information about Sacapultec language usage.
Demographic information about Sacapulteco from the Ethnologue of Languages.
Sakapulteko Language Tree:
Theories about Sacapultec's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Sacapulteco People
Encyclopedia articles on the Sacapulteco Indians.
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Links, References, and Additional Information
Endangered Languages Project: Sakapulteko:
Bibliography of Sacapulteco language resources.
Maya Books
Books for sale on the Maya Indian cultures.
Pueblo Sakapulteko Idioma Sacapulteco:
Information about the Sacapultecos in Spanish.
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