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Tacaneco Indian Language

Tacaneco is a Mayan language. Tacaneco is closely related to Mam and some linguists consider it a dialect of Mam.
Tacaneco is spoken by about 20,000 people in Guatemala and Mexico. It has VSO word order.

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Our Tacaneco Language Materials

Tacaneco Maya Pronunciation Guide:
    How to pronounce Tacaneco words.

Tacaneco Language Resources

Language Map of Guatemala:
    Map showing where in Central America the Tacaneco language is spoken.
Lengua Takaneko
     Information on the Tacanec language, including a linguistic map of Guatemala. Page in Spanish.
Wikipedia: Tacaneco:
     Brief encyclopedia entry on Tacaneco.
     Demographic information about Tacaneco from the Ethnologue of Languages.
Tacanec Language Tree:
    Theories about Tacaneco's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.

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