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Tioux Indians

The Tioux Indians were a small tribe of Mississippi, members of the Natchez Confederacy. They were sometimes also known as the Tiou or the Thysia. Their language was never recorded, but was said to be different from Natchez. The Tioux do not exist as a distinct tribe today. Most Tioux people were probably absorbed into the Natchez tribe, where their descendants still live.

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Tioux Culture and History Links

Mississippi Archaeology:
    Map of Tiou and other historic tribal sites of Mississippi.
Natchez Tribe History:
    Article on the Natchez, Grigra, and Tioux tribes from the Handbook of American Indians.
Indian Tribes of Mississippi:
    Historical information about the many pre-Columbian tribes of Mississippi, including the Tiou.

Books for sale on the Tioux Indians
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Indian Tribes of the Lower Mississippi Valley:
    Book on the history of the Gulf and Mississippian tribes, including a chapter on the Tioux.

Links, References, and Additional Information

Tioux Social Studies Resources:
Tioux links pages.
Los Tioux:
Information about the Tiouxs and their language in Spanish.

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