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Toba Indian Language (Chaco Sur, Toba Qom)

Toba is a Guaicuruan language of South America.
Toba is spoken by around 20,000 people in Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay.

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Our Toba Language Materials

Toba Vocabulary
    Our list of vocabulary words in the Toba language, with comparison to words in other Guaicuruan languages.
Toba Pronunciation Guide:
    How to pronounce Toba words.

Toba Language Resources

Indigenous People of Argentina and Chile:
    Map showing where in South America the Toba language is spoken.
Tribes of the Gran Chaco:
    Historical map of the Chaco Plain showing the original location of the Toba tribe at the time of first contact.
UDHR: Toba:
    Translation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights into Toba.
Lord's Prayer in Toba:
    Translations of Christian prayers into the Toba language.
Lengua Namgom:
    Toba language information including linguistic maps of South America. Page in Spanish.
House of Languages: Toba-Qom:
    Information about Toba-Qom language usage.
Toba Language:
    Demographic information on Toba from the Ethnologue of Languages.
Toba Qom:
    Brief Wikipedia article about the Toba language.
Toba Language Tree:
    Theories about Toba's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Toba Language Structures:
    Toba linguistic profile and academic bibliography.

Books for sale on the Tobas
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links The Chaco Mission Frontier: The Guaycuruan Experience:
    History book examining how the Toba and neighboring indigenous tribes adapted to colonial life.

Links, References, and Additional Information

Tattooing in the Gran Chaco of South America:
    History of tattoo art among the Tobas and other Chacoan tribes. With pictures.
    Toba People:
    Encyclopedia artcles about the Tobas.
    Los Tobas: * Pueblo Toba:
    Information about the Toba tribe in Spanish.

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