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Native Tribes and Languages of the Arctic
Arctic Culture Area
This is an index to the Native language and cultural information on our website pertaining to tribes of the Arctic or Polar
culture area. Most indigenous people of this region are Inuit who do not consider themselves Indian. Some Yupik and
Aleut people call themselves Indians, and others do not. Some Native people of the Arctic region use the Cree word
"Eskimos" to refer to themselves; others consider that term derogatory and avoid it.
Tribes of the Arctic Culture Group:
Aleut People
Alutiiq People
Greenlandic People
Inuit People
Yupik People
Recommended books about Native American tribes of the Arctic
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Comparative Eskimo Dictionary:
Excellent language dictionary comparing Arctic languages from Inuit/Eskimo dialects, Yupik, and Aleut.
Language Contact in the Arctic:
Linguistics book on the pidgins and contact languages of the Arctic (including Copper Island Aleut.)
Critical Inuit Studies: An Anthology of Contemporary Arctic Ethnography:
Anthropology collection about Native peoples of the Far North.
Living On The Land:
Anthropology book about how traditional Inuit/Eskimo life has changed over the past century.
Stories from the Lives of Three Inuit Women:
Fascinating book of Native Arctic oral history for sale.
Arctic Spirit:
Book of prehistoric and contemporary Circumpolar art from Siberia to Greenland. Many pictures.
Arctic Peoples:
Children's book about the history and culture of Arctic Natives.
Arctic Myth and Sculpture:
Book on Inuit and Aleut religious ceremonies and customs.
Eastern Arctic Kayaks:
The history and design of traditional Native Arctic skin boats.
Sponsored links
Other resources about indigenous history, culture and society in the Arctic north:
Inuit Circumpolar Council: Arctic Athabaskan Council:
Homepages of two international coalitions advancing the rights of Arctic Native peoples.
Arctic Animals:
Picture dictionary showing the translation of animal words into native Arctic languages.
The Arctic Culture Area:
Aboriginal history of the Arctic from the Paleo-Indian period to the present.
University of Connecticut: Arctic Circle:
Online symposium on indigenous culture and issues of the Circumpolar North.
Arctic Cultures:
Article on the indigenous Arctic people of Alaska, northern Canada, and Greenland.
Indians 101: The Arctic Culture Area:
Article on the original tribes of the Arctic region, their culture and art.
Eskimo Mythology:
Online text of an early 20th-century book about Inuit, Aleut, and Yup'ik religion.
Arctic and Sub-Arctic Archaeology:
Articles on the history and prehistory of arctic societies in North America and the world.
Population Distribution Maps: Arctic Peoples:
Map showing the location of native Arctic cultures in North America, Europe and Asia.
Arctic Cultural Artifacts:
Museum exhibit with photographs of Arctic Native weapons, tools, and jewelry.
Inuvialut Drum Dance: Music from the Arctic: Inuit Throat Singing: Kodiak Alutiiq Dancers:
Videos of traditional Arctic song and dance styles.
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Native North American art
Native heritage
Native names
Athabascan beadwork
Tribal tattoos
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