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Embera Indian Language (Emberá-Wounaan, Empera, Cholo, Pedea, Bedea)

Embera is a Chocoan language of South America.
Embera is spoken by around 80,000 people in Colombia and Panama. It has SOV word order.

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Embera Language Resources

Language map of Panama: * Indigenous Northern Colombia:
    Maps showing the areas where the Embera dialects are spoken.
Diccionario Embera:
    Online Spanish-Embera glossary, with some audio clips of spoken words.
UDHR: Sia Pedee (Embera):
    Translation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights into Embera.
Language Museum: Emberá-Saija:
    Embera translation of a Bible passage.
La Lengua Emberá:
    Embera language information including a linguistic map of Brazil. Page in Spanish.
House of Languages: Embera:
    Information about Embera language usage.
Northern Emberá * Embera-Catio * Embera-Baudo * Embera-Chami * Embera-Tado * Epena:
    Demographic information on Embera from the Ethnologue of Languages.
Wikipedia: Emberá:
    Encyclopedia articles on the Embera languages.
Emberá Language Tree:
    Theories about Emberá's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
North Emberá Language Structures * Embera Chami Language Structures * Embera Catio Language Structures * Epena Pedee Language Structures:
    Embera linguistic profiles and academic bibliographies.

Embera Culture and History Links

The Embera and Waounan:
    Ethnography of the Embera and other indigenous people of Panama and Colombia.
Wikipedia: Emberá :
    History and traditions of the Embera tribe.

Links, References, and Additional Information

  Endangered Languages Project: Embera-Catio: * Epena (Embera-Saija): * Northern Embera * Southern Embera:
Bibliography of language resources in different Embera dialects.
  Wikipedia: Embera:
  Encyclopedia articles on the Embera tribe.
  Los Embera * Los Emberas * Pueblo Embera: * Etnia Epera:
  Information about the Embera Indians in Spanish.

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