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There are several different South American tribal names spelled "Wari" in English:

1) Wari, the endonym (self-designation) of the Pakaas Nova tribe of Brazil. It means "we" in their tribal language.

2) Huari, a pre-Columbian civilization of Andean Peru, known as the Wari Empire in English. They existed between 500 and 1000 AD, before the time of the Incas.

3) Uarí, an alternate name for the Aikana tribe of Brazil. This probably came from their tribe's name in the language of one of their neighbors. They are not related to the Wari/Pakaas Nova tribe.

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Wari Resources

Here are links to our webpages about the Wari tribes and languages:
 Pakaas Nova/Wari
 Languages spoken in Brazil
 Ancient civilizations of Peru
 Amazon Indians
 Native South American Indian

Here are links to some online resources about the Wari:
 Indigenous Peoples of Brasil: Wari'
 The Wari Culture of Peru
 Wikipedia: Wari culture
 Wikipedia: Pakaa Nova/Wari

Here are links to some good books about the Waris and other Brazilian Indians:
 Native and National in Brazil

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