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Asheninca (Ashéninca)

"Asheninca" is an alternate spelling for the Asheninka tribe.

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Here are links to our webpages about the Ashaninca tribe and language:

 Asheninca language
 Ashaninka pronunciation
 Arawakan languages
 South American Natives
 Tribes of the Amazon rainforest

Here are a few good books about the Ashanincas:
 Diccionario Ashéninca-Castellano
 Ashaninka Stories of Change
 Salt of the Mountain: Campa Ashaninka History and Resistance in the Peruvian Jungle
 Upper Perené Arawak Narratives of History, Landscape, and Ritual
 Idioma Ashéninca
 Cuentos Folkloricos de los Asheninca

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