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Triometesen: See Akuriyo

"Triometesen" is the name of a subgroup of the Akuriyo tribe. The name means "like the Tiriyos" (a neighboring tribe) in the Akuriyo language; the Triometesen may not have been a distinct band, but rather just communities of Akuriyo-speaking people who had a high degree of intermarriage with the Tiriyos. This tribal name is not commonly used today.

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Here are links to our webpages about the Triometesen tribe and language:

 Suriname language
 South America tribes
 South American Indian myths
 Caribs languages

Here are a few good books about the Triometesens:
 The Akuriyo of Surinam
 Manufacturing Otherness
 Comparative Cariban Morphosyntax

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