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Mandan Indian Culture and History

As a complement to our Mandan language information, here is our collection of indexed links about the Mandan tribe and their society. Please note that Mandans and other American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Mandan history was interesting and important, but the Mandan Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.

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Our Mandan Websites

Mandan Language:
    Information and language learning materials from the Mandan Indian language.
Mandan Facts for Kids:
    Questions and answers about Mandan culture.
Mandan Legends:
    Collection of Mandan Indian legends and folktales.

Mandan Tribal and Community Websites

Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara Nation:
    Official homepage of the Three Affiliated Tribes.
Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish College:
    Homepage of the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara tribal school.
Three Affiliated Tribes Community Profile:
    Demographic information on the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara tribes.

Maps of Mandan Lands

North Dakota Indian Map:
    Tribal maps showing where the original lands of the Mandan Indians and their neighbors are.
Virtual Museum of New France: Plains Indians:
    Historical maps and articles about the Mandan, Comanche, Cree, and other Plains Indian tribes.

Mandan Lifestyle and Tradition

Curtis Library: The Mandan Indians:
    Early 20th-century ethnography of the Mandan tribe.
Mandan Indian Tribe:
    History and genealogy of the Mandan Indians.
Lewis and Clark: Fort Mandan:
    History of the Mandan tribe's interactions with the Lewis and Clark expedition.
Mandan Indians:
    Article on Mandan history and culture.
Three Affiliated Tribes Pow Wow:
    Video of powwow dancing at the Mandan-Hidatsa-Arikara reservation.
Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara: Indian Life along the Upper Missouri River:
    Photo exhibit on the Three Affiliated Tribes throughout history.
Shahaka, Mandan Chief:
    Biographies of historical Mandan figures.
Earth Lodges of the Mandan, Arikara and Hidatsa:
    Information and pictures of traditional Mandan houses.
Mandan Authors:
    Mandan writers, their lives and work.
Mandan-Hidatsa-Arikara Flag:
    Flag of the Mandan-Hidatsa-Arikara Nation.
Mandan-Hidatsa-Arikara Tribal Plates:
    Mandan license plate.
Four Directions: Mandan:
    Timeline and links about Mandan history.
The 1837 Smallpox Epidemic:
    Article about the devastating effects of smallpox on the Mandans and other Plains Indians.
Indians 101: Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Ceremonies:
    Article on spiritual traditions among the Mandan, Hidatsa and Arikara tribes.

Mandan Politics, Issues, and News

Mandan-Hidatsa-Arikara Times:
    Tribal newspaper of the Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation.
Native American remains returning home:
    Article about the Mandan-Hidatsa-Arikara tribe's quest to recover their ancestors' bodies from a university.
Three Affiliated Tribes Hit by Ransomware Attack:
    Article about cybersecurity problems facing the Mandan and other tribal nations in the modern era.

Books for sale on the Mandans
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links

Sheheke: Mandan Indian Diplomat:
    Interesting biography of the Mandan chief White Coyote and the role he played in the Lewis and Clark expedition.
Mandan Social and Ceremonial Organization:
    Detailed ethnography of the Mandans.
Native Indian Books:
    Evolving list of books about Mandans and American Indians in general.

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Links, References, and Additional Information

   Mandan People * Mandan * Three Affiliated Tribes:
   Encyclopedia articles on the Mandan tribes.
   Pueblo Mandan * Mandan * Los Mandan:
   Information about the Mandan tribe in Spanish.
   Mandan Indians * Mandans * Mandan Tribe:
   Mandan links.

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