Indian languages Indian tribes Indian culture
Character We Use: |
Sometimes Also Used: |
IPA symbol: | Mohawk pronunciation: |
a | a | Like the a in father. | |
a: | a, a· | a | Like the a in father, only held longer. |
e | ε ~ e | Like the e in get or the a in gate. | |
e: | e, e· | e | Like the a in gate, only held longer. |
i | i | Like the i in police. | |
i: | i, i· | i | Like the i in police, only held longer. |
o | o | Like the o in note. | |
o: | o, o· | o | Like the o in note, only held longer. |
Character We Use: |
Sometimes Also Used: |
IPA symbol: |
en | ę, , enh | |
en: | en, ę:, : | |
on | ų, , onh | ũ |
on: | on, ų:, : | ũ |
Character We Use: |
Sometimes Also Used: |
IPA symbol: | Mohawk pronunciation: |
h | h | Like h in English hay. | |
k | g | g~k~kh | Like g in gate, soft k in skate, or hard k in Kate. |
kw | gw, khw | gw ~ kw | Like the gw in Gwen or the qu in queen. |
r | l | |
Like r in right in some dialects, but like l in light in others. |
n | n | Like n in night. | |
s | sh, c | s ~ | Like s in sell. Before y or i, the Mohawk pronunciation sounds more like the sh in shell. |
t | d | d~t~th | Like d in die, soft t in sty, or hard t in tie. |
ts | j, ch | ts~t~d | Like ts in tsunami. Before y or i the Mohawk pronunciation sounds more like the j in jar, and before hy or hi it is pronounced more like the ch in char. |
w | w | Like w in way. | |
wh | Some Mohawk speakers pronounce this sound with the voiceless "breathy w" that many British speakers use in words like "which," but others pronounce it like the f in English fair. | ||
y | j | Like y in yes. | |
’ | , ? | A pause sound, like the one in the middle of the word "uh-oh." |
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