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Vocabulary in Native American Languages: Mohawk Words

Welcome to our Mohawk vocabulary page! Mohawk, also known as Kanien'keha, is an Iroquoian language, related to other languages like Seneca and Oneida. We have included twenty basic Mohawk words here,to compare with related American Indian languages. You can find more Mohawk Indian words in our online picture glossaries. If you'd like to know a word that is not in these wordlists, you can take part in our Indian translations fundraiser or visit our main Mohawk language site for more free resources.

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Mohawk Word Set

(Click here for Mohawk pronunciation guide)

English (Français) Mohawk words
One (Un) Énhskat
Two (Deux) Tékeni
Three (Trois) Áhsen
Four (Quatre) Kayé:ri
Five (Cinq) Wisk
Man (Homme) Rón:kwe
Woman (Femme) Yakón:kwe
Dog (Chien) È:rhar
Sun (Soleil) Karáhkwa
Moon (Lune) Ehníta
Water (Eau) Ohné:ka
White (Blanc) Kenrà:ken
Yellow (Jaune) Otsí:nekwar
Red (Rouge) Onekwénhtara
Black (Noir) Kahòn:tsi
Eat (Manger) Ráeks
See (Voir) Ratkáhthos
Hear (Entendre) Rahrón:kas
Sing (Chanter) Raterennótha'
Leave (Partir) Rahténtyes

Click here to see Mohawk words compared to words in related Iroquoian languages: Iroquoian Indian Words

Mohawk Picture Dictionaries

Here are some themed Mohawk word lists we have put together and illustrated for language learners. Feel free to print them out for classroom purposes!

*Mohawk animal words
*Mohawk color words

Additional Resources

   New York Indian languages
   Iroquois myths
   Iroquois Native Americans
   Mohawk Indian names
   Northeast Woodlands Native American tribes

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