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Nez Percé Language (Nimi'ipuu, Nimipu)

Nez Perce is a Penutian language of the Western Plateau.
Nez Perce is spoken by about 600 people in Idaho today.

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Nez Perce Indian Language
Nez Perce language samples and resources.

Nez Perce Tribe Culture and History
Information and links about the Nez Perce Indians past and present.

Nez Perce Indians Fact Sheet
Our answers to common questions about the Nez Perces.

Nez Perce Indian Legends
Introduction to Nez Perce mythology.

Nez Perce Language Resources

Our Online Nez Perce Language Materials

Nez Perce Vocabulary
     Our list of vocabulary words in the Nez Perce language, with comparison to words in other Penutian languages.
Nez Perce Animal Words:
     Illustrated glossary of animal words in Nez Perce.

Nez Perce Dictionaries, Audio Tapes and Language Resources
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links

Nez Perce Dictionary
     Comprehensive Nez Perce/English dictionary for sale.
Indian Language Dictionaries:
    Nez Perce and other American Indian dictionaries and language materials for sale.

Nez Perce Language Lessons and Linguistic Descriptions

Vanishing Tongues
     Article about a Cayuse/Nez Perce linguist working to save the languages of his ancestors. Includes some Nez Perce audio clips.
Nez Perce Indian Language * Nez Perce Orthography * Nez Perce Text:
    Scanned-in Nez Perce language materials from the Rosetta Project.
Nez Perce Words
     Some Nez Perce vocabulary.
Nez Perce Prayers * Numipu Prayer:
    Translations of the Lord's Prayer and other Christian prayers into Nez Perce.
Language Museum: Nez Perce: * Nez Perce Genesis Translation
    Bible passages in the Nez Perce Indian language.
House of Languages: Nez Percé:
    Information about Nez Perce language usage.
Ethnologue: Nez Perce:
    Demographic information about the Nez Perce language.
Nez Perce Language Tree:
    Theories about Nez Percé's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Nez Perce Language Structures:
    Nez Perce linguistic profile and academic bibliography.

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Links, References, and Additional Information

Nez Perce Language:
Encyclopedia articles on the Nez Perce Indian language.
Lenguas Sahaptin * Lenguas Sahaptianas:
Information about Nez Perce and other Sahaptian languages in Spanish.
Nez Perces * Nez Perce Tribe:
Nez Perce links.
Nez Perce Tribe:
Nez Perce Indian books.

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