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Native American Legends: Odzihozo (Ojihozo)
Name: Odzihozo
Tribal affiliation: Abénaki
Alternate spellings: Ojihozo, Oodzee-hozo
Pronunciation: ood-zee-hoh-zoh
Type: Transformer
Odzihozo is a mythological being who created himself from nothing and formed Lake Champlain and its
surrounding landscape. The name Odzihozo literally means "he makes himself from something unknown or unspecified"
(often translated as "man created from nothing" or "man who made himself from something.")
Odzihozo is sometimes confused with the Abenaki culture hero
Gluskabe (Glooskap).
Indeed, some folklorists believe they are one and the same. However, this is unlikely. For one thing,
Abenaki elders have said that this is incorrect. Also, stories have been recorded that feature Gluskabe and
Odzihozo interacting with each other. And finally, the two characters have very different features-- unlike
Gluskabe, Odzihozo has no legs (moving around the country by crawling), does not interact with
humans or animals of the mythic age, does not have a grandmother or any other family, does not play a
trickster role, and ends his adventures by turning into a rock.
Odzihozo Stories
Odzihozo the Great Transformer:
The legend of Odzihozo, with a picture of the rock island he became.
The story of Odzihozo in Abenaki with English translation.
Ojihozo and Klosgab:
Legends about the two Abenaki beings Odzihozo and Glooscap.
Recommended Books of Related Native American Legends
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Giants of the Dawnland:
Good collection of Wabanaki legends told by a Penobscot Indian author.
Seven Eyes, Seven Legs:
Another good book of myths and folktales, told and illustrated by an Abenaki author.
Algonquian Spirit:
Rich anthology of stories, songs, and oral history from the Mi'kmaq and other Algonquian tribes.
Sponsored Links
Additional Resources
Abenaki folklore
Abnaki language
Wabanaki history
Vermont language
Eastern Woodlands facts
Algonkian legends

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Learn more about the Abenaki Native American tribe.

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