U.S. indigenous languages
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As a complement to our Shoshone language information, here is our collection of indexed links
about the Shoshone tribe and their society. Please note that Shoshones and other
American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Shoshone history is interesting and
important, but the Shoshone Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional
folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies
of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.
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Our Shoshone Websites
Shoshone Language:
Information and language learning materials from the Shoshone Indian language.
Shoshone Facts for Kids:
Questions and answers about Shoshone culture.
Shoshone Legends:
Collection of Shoshone Indian legends and folktales.
Shoshone Tribal and Community Websites
Eastern Shoshone Tribe:
Homepage of the Wind River Shoshone tribe.
Rocky Mountain Tribal Leaders Council:
Coalition of Indian tribes in Montana and Wyoming, including the Eastern Shoshone and Shoshone-Bannock tribes.
Wind River Tribal College:
Homepage of the community college of the Arapahoe and Shoshone tribes.
Shoshone Lifestyle and Tradition
Shoshoni Indians:
History of the Shoshoni Indians in Utah.
The Shoshoni Tribe:
Article on Shoshone culture and history.
Shoshone Legends:
Collection of Shoshone Indian legends and folktales.
Shoshone Authors:
Shoshone writers, their lives and work.
The Sheep-Eaters: Master Engineers:
Information about the hunting and trapping techniques of the Mountain Shoshones.
Chokecherry Pudding Recipe Shoshone-Bannock Rock Chuck Shoshone Hot Bread Sagebrush Tea:
Traditional Shoshone recipes.
A Hisotry of Shoshone-Bannock Indian Art:
Online museum exhibit of Shoshone-Bannock baskets, beadwork, and other crafts.
Four Directions: Northern Shoshoni: Four Directions: Western Shoshoni:
Timeline and links about Shoshone history.
Bear River Massacre The Bear River Massacre Shoshone Massacre Story Bear River Massacre Memorial:
Articles about the Bear River Massacre, in which hundreds of Shoshone villagers lost their lives.
Chief Pocatello's Struggle to Survive: Chief Pocatello:
Information about the 19th-century Shoshone leader Pocatello.
Chief Washakie's Legacy: Washakie:
Information about the 19th-century Eastern Shoshone leader Washakie.
Sacagawea and the Lewis and Clark Expedition: Sacagawea Imagery:
Information about the famous Shoshone explorer Sacagawea.
Shoshone-Bannock Treaty of 1868:
Texts of historical treaties between the US government and the Shoshone Indians.
Shoshone Genealogy
Shoshone Genealogy Forums:
Messageboards for Shoshone Indian descendants.
Native American Genealogy:
Direction for those seeking Shoshone and other Native American ancestors.
Books for sale on the Shoshones
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Essie's Story:
Fascinating autobiography of a prominent Shoshone educator.
What You See in Clear Water:
Book about life and conflict on the Wind River Reservation.
Shoshone Tales:
Collection of Shoshoni legends and traditional stories.
Newe Hupia: Shoshoni Poetry Songs:
Bilingual anthology of traditional Shoshoni chants.
American Indian Books:
Evolving list of books about Shoshones and American Indians in general.
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Links, References, and Additional Information
Shoshone People Shoshone: Shoshone Tribe:
Encyclopedia articles on the Shoshone tribes.
Pueblo Shoshone Los Shoshone:
Information about the Shoshone tribe in Spanish.
Shoshone Indians:
Shoshone links.
Back to the list of North American Indian tribes
Back to our Native American links for kids
Indian homes
Indian names and meanings
Native American poets
Tribal tattoo designs
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