American Indian Language
American Indian Culture
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As a complement to our Wiyot language information, we would like to share our
collection of indexed links about the Wiyot people and various aspects of their society. The emphasis
of these pages is on American Indians as a living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Wiyot history is interesting and
important, but the Wiyot are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional
folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and the issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies
of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.
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Our Wiyot Websites
Wiyot Language:
Information and language learning materials from the Wiyot Indian language.
Wiyot Facts for Kids:
Questions and answers about Wiyot culture.
Wiyot Legends:
Collection of Wiyot Indian legends and folktales.
Wiyot Tribal and Community Links
Wiyot Tribe:
Official website of the Wiyot Tribe
Wiyot Indian Table Bluff Tribe and Community:
News, events, and information about the Wiyot Tribe.
Maps of Wiyot Lands
Wiyot Indians:
Map of Wiyot territory, with some information about Wiyot culture.
Pacific Northwest Indian Maps:
Map of the Wiyot tribe and other Northwest Coast Indians of Washington, Oregon and California.
Wiyot Lifestyle and Tradition
The Wiyot:
Curtis' early 20th-century ethnography of the Wiyot Indians.
Wiyot Basket Hat American Indian Clothing Basketry Hats Indian Hairstyles:
Wiyot and other California Indian clothes.
Return to Indian Island Wiyot Will Dance Again on Indian Island:
The Wiyot tribe's return to Indian Island.
Native American Genealogy:
Direction for those seeking Wiyot and other American Indian ancestors.
Information and links about the Wiyot people from the Four Directions Institute.
Wiyot Legends:
Collection of Wiyot Indian legends and folktales.
American Indian Spirituality:
Advice for people researching traditional Wiyot religion and other American Indian spirituality.
Shapes and Uses of California Indian Basketry:
History and photographs of Wiyot and other California Indian baskets.
Native American Art:
Information, photographs and links about California Indian and other native art.
Wiyot History Links
Wiyot Tribal History:
Brief history by a Wiyot tribal member.
Wiyot Massacre of 1860:
Cheryl Seidner, chairperson of the Wiyot tribe, tells the story of her people's massacre.
California Indian History:
Relations between the American Indians of Northern California and white settlers.
Books for sale on the Wiyot Tribe
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Wiyot Handbook I Wiyot Handbook II Wiyot Handbook Order Information:
Karl Teeter's description of the Wiyot language.
Handbook of the Indians of California Indians of California: The Changing Image:
Indian Survival on the California Frontier: Tribes of California:
Handbook of North American Indians: California California Indians Source Book:
Books about the Indian tribes of California, including the Wiyot.
American Indian Books:
Evolving list of books about Native Americans in general.
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Additional Resources, Links, and References
Wiyot Bibliography:
Listing of off-line materials about the Wiyot Indians.
Pueblo Wiyot Los Wiyot Historia y lengua wiyot:
Information about the Wiyot tribe in Spanish.
Wiyot Tribe: Wiyot Indians: Wiyot Resources:
Wiyot links.
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