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As a complement to our Huron-Wyandot language information, here is our collection of indexed links
about the Wyandot tribe and their society. Please note that Wyandots and other
American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Wyandot history is interesting and
important, but the Wyandot Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional
folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies
of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.
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Our Wyandot Websites
Wyandot Language:
Information and language learning materials from the Wyandot Indian language.
Wyandot Facts for Kids:
Questions and answers about Wyandot/Huron culture.
Wyandot Legends:
Collection of Huron and Wyandot Indian legends and folktales.
Wyandot Tribal and Community Websites
Wyandot Nation of Kansas:
Homepage of the Kansas Wyandot tribe.
Wyandotte Nation of Oklahoma:
Homepage of the Oklahoma Wyandotte tribe.
Huron-Wendat Nation:
Homepage of the Quebec Huron tribe.
Government profile of the Huron First Nation of Quebec.
First Nations Education Council:
Organization dedicated to supporting indigenous schools and students in Quebec First Nations.
Maps of Wyandot Lands
First Nations Map: Location of Amerindian Communities:
Maps of the Huron tribe and other First Nations of Quebec.
Virtual Museum of New France: Iroquoians:
Historical maps and articles about the Iroquois and Huron confederacies.
Wyandot Lifestyle and Tradition
Wyandot Legends:
Collection of Wyandot Indian legends and folktales.
Huron Indian History:
Tribal history of the Huron people.
History of the Huron tribe in Canada.
Quebec History: Huron Indians: Hurons:
Anthropology texts on the Huron tribe.
Wyandot Indians:
History of the Wyandot Indians in Ohio.
Indians of Indiana:
History of tribal migrations through Indiana, with a map showing the Wyandot journeys.
First Peoples: Hurons-Wendat:
Cultural and demographic information about the Huron tribe of Quebec.
Hurons-Wendat Huron-Wendats:
Huron culture and history in Quebec.
Roundhead (Stiahta):
Biographies of Huron-Wyandot leaders.
Huron Authors: Wyandot Authors:
Huron-Wendat writers, their lives and work.
The Hurons-Wendat of Quebec:
Articles about contemporary Huron life.
Huron Indians:
Article on Huron history and culture.
Huron Indian Tribe:
History and genealogy of the Huron Indians.
Algonquin and Iroquoian Artifacts:
Algonquin and Wyandot pottery from the Ottawa Valley.
Huron Indian Costume Huron Regalia Huron and Seneca Moccasins Huron Moccasins
Huron Hat Huron Mittens Traditional Indian Clothes Native American Hair:
Sketches and photographs of traditional Huron and other Indian clothes and hairstyles.
Huron-Wyandot Dolls Huron-Wyandot Deer Call Huron-Wyandot Rattle:
Huron-Wendat dolls, toys, and musical instruments.
Gateway to Aboriginal Heritage: Huron-Wendat:
Online exhibit of Huron-Wendat artifacts from the Canadian Museum of Civilization.
Huron Genealogy Forum:
Messageboard for Wyandot Indian descendants.
Huron Honey-Apple Chicken Recipe Fire Baked Trail Fish Wampanackali Huron Style Indian Taco:
Traditional Huron-Wendat recipes.
Wyandotte Nation License Plates:
Oklahoma Wyandotte license plate.
Samuel De Champlain and the Alliance with the Algonquin and Huron:
History of the French colonists' relations with the Huron and other First Nations.
Four Directions: Huron Four Directions: Wendat:
Timeline and links about Wyandot history.
Books for sale on the Wyandots
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Wyandot Folk Lore:
Collection of Wyandot legends for sale.
The Huron, Farmers of the North:
Ethnographic study of the Wyandots.
Native American Books:
Evolving list of books about Wyandots and American Indians in general.
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Links, References, and Additional Information
Wendat People Huron People Native Groups: Hurons: Wyandot: Huron Tribe:
Encyclopedia articles on the Wyandot tribes.
Hurons-Wendat Les Hurons-Wendats: Les Amérindiens Wendat du Canada:
Information on the Wyandots in French and Spanish.
Los Huron:
Information on the Wyandots in Spanish.
Wyandotte Indians Huron-Wendat Hurons:
Wyandot links.
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