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As a complement to our Zapotec language information, here is our collection of indexed links
about the Zapotec tribe and their society. Please note that Zapotecs and other
American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Zapotec history is interesting and
important, but the Zapotec Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional
folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies
of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.
Sponsored Links
Zapotec Lifestyle and Tradition
Meso-American Native Languages
Map showing the areas in Mexico where Zapotec people live.
Be'ena' Za'a: The Cloud People:
Zapotec culture, history, literature and art.
The Zapotec Indians:
Information on the ancient Mesoamerican Zapotec civilization (ancestors of the present-day Zapotecs).
The Zapotecan tradition of tequio or communal work.
The Zapotecs:
Several articles on Zapotec Indian history, culture, and legends.
Zapotec Art:
Photographs and descriptions of classical Zapotec art and artifacts.
Information and links about Zapotec textile arts.
Books for sale on the Zapotec Indians
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Zapotec Civilization:
An interesting archaeology book on prehistoric Zapotec civilization.
Zapotec Weavers of Teotitlan:
Illustrated book exploring modern-day Zapotec culture and art.
The Woman Who Outshone the Sun:
Lovely picture book retelling of a traditional Zapotec legend.
Indian Book List:
Evolving list of books about Zapotecs and Native Americans in general.
Links, References, and Additional Information
Zapotec People Zapotec:
Encyclopedia articles on the Zapotec Indians.
Los Zapatecos de Mexico Los Zapatecos Zapatecas Los Zapatecos Cultura Zapoteca:
Information about the Zapatecs in Spanish.
Zapotec Native Americans Zapotec Civilization:
Zapotec links.
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