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Canadian First Nations by Province

Click on each province for a listing of Native American tribes that have lived there.

Alberta (AB) Saskatchewan (SK) Manitoba (MB) Ontario (ON) Quebec (QC) Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) Northwest Territories (NT) Yukon (YT) Nunavut (NU) New Brunswick (NB) Nova Scotia (NS) Northwest Territories (NT) Prince Edward Island (PE) British 
Columbia (BC)

*Alberta First Nations *British Columbia First Nations *Manitoba First Nations
*New Brunswick First Nations *Newfoundland and Labrador First Nations *Nova Scotia First Nations
*Northwest Territories First Nations *Nunavut First Nations *Ontario First Nations
*Prince Edward Island First Nations *Quebec First Nations *Saskatchewan First Nations
*Yukon First Nations

Other resources about First Nations history, culture and society in Canada:

Assembly of First Nations: Official website of the political organization representing more than 600 Native American Nations of Canada.
Aboriginal Canada: Native Canadian website with information and links relating to all the First Nations of Canada.
First Peoples of Canada Before Contact: Informational website about the history of Native Canadians, with interactive maps.
Native US and Canadian Languages By Population of Speakers: A list of the most spoken indigenous languages of Canada and the United States.
Indians of Canada: Database of historical texts about 65 Native Canadian cultures.
Native American Nations: Canadian Indians: Genealogy research website with information and links about Native people of Canada.
Ethnologue Report for Canada: Demographic information about Canada Natives and their languages.
Aboriginal Canadian Links * World Cultures: Canada: Canadian Indian links pages.

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