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Chirripo (Chirripó)
"Chirripo" is an alternate name for the Cabecar tribe of Costa Rica. It is the name of one of the important Cabecar subgroups,
and comes from the name of a mountain where many Cabecar people live, Cerro Chirripó.
Chirripo is sometimes also used to refer to the dialect of the Cabecar
language which is spoken in this region.
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Here are links to our webpages about the Chirripo tribe and language:
Chirripo language
Costa Rica Indians
Chibchan languages
Central American mythology
Here are links to more Internet resources about the Chirripo:
Chirripó language (Northern Cabecar)
Wikipedia: Mount Chirripo
Chirripo National Park
Indígenas del Valle de la Estrella y el el Alto Chirripó
Here are a few good books about the Chirripos:
Cabecar Dictionary
When Woman Became the Sea

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