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Cabecar Culture and History (Cabecares)

As a complement to our Cabecar language information, here is our collection of indexed links about the Cabecar tribe and their society.

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The emphasis of these pages is on Cabecars and other American Indians as living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Cabecar history is interesting and important, but the Cabecar Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.

Our Cabecar Websites

Cabecar Language:
    Information and language learning materials from the Cabecar Indian language.
Cabecar Words:
    Cabecar vocabulary words with comparison to other Chibchan languages.

Books for sale on the Cabecars
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links

When Woman Became the Sea: A Costa Rican Creation Myth:
    Picture book for kids based on a traditional legend of the Cabecars and Bribris.
The Chibchan Languages:
    Book on the Chibchan language family including Cabecar.

Maps of Cabecar Lands

Cultures of Costa Rica:
    Map showing the location of the Cabecar and other indigenous Costa Rican tribes.
Costa Rica Eta Panama:
    Maps showing where in Central America Cabecar is spoken.

Cabecar Lifestyle and Tradition

Boruca, Bribri, and Cabecar Culture:
    Articles on the history and traditions of the Cabecar tribe and other Chibchans of Costa Rica.
Costa Rica Indígena -- Cabécar:
    Photography project regarding the Cabecares.
No Words for Leadership or Love:
    Essay about the meaning of leadership in Cabecar culture.
Chirripó * Estrella * Ujarras * Talamanca:
    Information about Cabecar subgroups in Costa Rica.

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Links, References, and Additional Information

Wikipedia: The Cabecar:
Encyclopedia articles on the Cabecar Indians.
Caminata a los Indios Cabercar * Los Cabecares * Los Cabecar * Indigenas Cabécares * Tradiciones Cabecares:
Information about the Cabecar tribe in Spanish.
A la rencontre des Cabécars:
Information about the Cabecar tribe in French.

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