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As a complement to our Heiltsuk language information, here is our collection of indexed links
about the Heiltsuk tribe and their society. Please note that Heiltsuks and other
American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Heiltsuk history is interesting and
important, but the Heiltsuk Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional
folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and the life and struggles of today as well as the tragedies
of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.
Sponsored Links
Heiltsuk Tribal and Community Websites
Heiltsuk Nation:
Homepage of the Heiltsuk Nation in British Columbia.
Heiltsuk Lifestyle and Tradition
Heiltsuk (Bella Bella):
History of the Bella Bella tribe in Canada.
Canadian Peoples: Wakashans:
Ethnography of the Heiltsuk and other Northwest Coast Natives.
Heiltsuk Legends:
Collection of Heiltsuk Indian legends and folktales.
Pictures from an Ontario museum exhibit of Heiltsuk art.
Bentwood Boxes:
Photographs of a Bella Bella bentwood box, with an illustrated description of how they are made.
Gateway to Aboriginal Heritage: Heiltsuk (Bella Bella):
Online exhibit of Bella Bella artifacts from the Canadian Museum of Civilization.
Bellabella Ethnobotany:
Information on the traditional uses of plants in the Bella Bella tribe.
Four Directions Institiute: Heiltsuk:
Bella Bella timeline and links.
Books for sale on the Heiltsuks
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Bella Bella: A Season of Heiltsuk Art:
Coffee-table book of Heiltsuk Indian art for sale.
The Heiltsuks: Dialogues of Culture and History:
Anthropology text about the effects of colonization on the Bella Bella Indians.
Indian Books:
Evolving list of books about Heiltsuks and American Indians in general.
Sponsored Links
Links, References, and Additional Information
Wikipedia: Heiltsuk:
Encyclopedia articles on the Heiltsuk tribe.
Un important site heiltsuk:
Information about the Bella Bella tribe in French.
Heiltsuk Nation:
Heiltsuk links.

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