Native American Indian languages
Indian cultures
What's new on our site today!
As a complement to our Huichol language information, here is our collection of indexed links
about the Huichol tribe and their society. Please note that Huichols and other
American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Huichol history is interesting and
important, but the Huichol Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional
folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and the life and struggles of today as well as the tragedies
of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.
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Huichol Tribal and Community Websites
The Huichol Center:
Organization promoting the native traditions and tribal enterprise of the Huichol people.
Huichol Lifestyle and Tradition
Meso-American Native Languages
Map showing the areas in Mexico where the Huichol people live.
The Huichol Culture of Mexico:
Article on Huichol Indian art and religion.
Huichol Tribe
Overview of Huichol history and culture.
Peyote Fiesta
Information about the traditional peyote-gathering festival of the Huichol people.
Huichol Arts and Literature
Huichol Literature:
Legends and quotes from the Huichol tribe, in English and Spanish.
Huichol Music:
Information about traditional Huichol musical arts.
Huichol Yarn Paintings Huichol Yarn Art Huichol Yarn Painting:
Articles and photographs about the colorful Huichol art of yarn painting.
Huichol Beadwork Huichol Bead Art Wixaritari Beadwork:
Information, photos, and a video about Huichol beaded masks, gourd bowls, and folk art.
Beads of Beauty:
Beaded bracelets, earrings, and other jewelry for sale by a Huichol cultural center.
Books for sale on the Huichols
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Huichol Mythology:
Excellent collection of Huichol legends, myths and traditional stories.
People of the Peyote: Huichol Indian History, Religion, & Survival:
Essays on Huichol beliefs and traditions, many by Huichol authors.
When Animals Were People:
Colorful kids' book presenting a traditional Huichol legend.
The Eagle and the Rainbow: Timeless Tales from Mexico:
Children's book illustrating several Huichol and other Mexican Indian folktales.
Native American Indian Books:
Evolving list of books about Huichols and American Indians in general.
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Links, References, and Additional Information
Wikipedia: Huichol:
Encyclopedia articles on the Huichol Indians, their art and lifestyle.
El Wixarika Indios Huicholes Cultura indigena de los Huicholes Los Huichol Historia y lengua huichol:
Information about the Huichol Indians in Spanish.
Huichol Tribe:
Huichol links.
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