Indigenous languages
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As a complement to our Coushatta language information, here is our collection of indexed links
about the Coushatta tribe and their society. Please note that Coushattas and other
American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Coushatta history is interesting and
important, but the Coushatta Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional
folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies
of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.
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Our Coushatta Websites
Coushatta Language:
Information and language learning materials from the Coushatta Indian language.
Coushatta Facts for Kids:
Questions and answers about Coushatta culture.
Coushatta Legends:
Collection of Coushatta Indian legends and folktales.
Coushatta Tribal and Community Websites
The Alabama-Coushatta Tribe:
Homepage of the Coushatta Indians of Texas.
Koasati Tribe of Louisiana:
Cultural information and artistry of the Louisiana Coushattas.
Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town:
Homepage of the Quassarte (Coushatta) Indians who live in Oklahoma with the Muskogees.
Koasati Pines Resort and Casino:
Homepage of the Louisiana Coushatta casino and golf course tribal enterprises.
Maps of Koasati Lands
Alabama Indian Map Tennessee Indian Map:
Tribal maps showing the original territory of the Coushatta Indians and their neighbors.
Texas Indian Reservations Louisiana Indian Reservation:
Maps showing the locations of the Alabama-Coushatta reservations today.
Coushatta Lifestyle and Tradition
Leland Thompson:
Songs by a young Coushatta musician.
Coushatta Pow-Wow:
Homepage of the annual powwow and cultural festival of the Louisiana Coushattas.
Coushatta Legends:
Collection of Coushatta Indian legends and folktales.
Myths and Tales of the Southeastern Indians:
Online book of Alabama-Coushatta, Natchez, and Creek Indian mythology.
Coushatta Authors:
Koasati writers, their lives and work.
Alabama-Quassarte Flag The Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Flag:
Coushatta Indian flags.
Four Directions: Coushatta:
Timeline and links about Coushatta history.
Koasati Politics, Issues, and News
COVID-19 in Texas Indigenous Communities:
Article on the Alabama-Coushatta tribal government response to the coronavirus crisis.
Our Tribe Was a Victim, Not a Client Texas Tribe Files Suit Over Casinos:
News articles about lobbyist Abramoff's extortion of the Alabama-Coushatta tribe and closing of their casino.
Koasati Genealogy
Alabama-Coushatta Genealogy Forum:
Messageboard for Coushatta Indian descendants.
American Indian Genealogy:
Direction for those seeking Native American ancestors.
Books for sale on the Koasatis
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Journey to the West: The Alabama and Coushatta Indians:
Excellent history book on the colonization and migrations of the Coushatta tribe.
The Alabama-Coushatta Indians:
History and culture of the Alabama-Coushatta tribe, written by a Native author.
Koasati Dictionary:
A good Coushatta dictionary available for sale.
Koasati Traditional Narratives:
Book of Coushatta legends and stories, in the original Koasati with English translation.
Myths and Folktales of the Alabama-Coushatta Indians of Texas:
Book of traditional Alabama and Koasati Indian stories.
The Winding Trail: The Story of the Alabama-Coushatta Indians:
A good kids' book on the Alabama-Coushatta tribe.
Kalita's People: A history of the Alabama-Coushatta Indians of Texas:
History book about the travels of the Alabama and Coushatta people.
Native American Books:
Evolving list of books about Coushattas and American Indians in general.
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Links, References, and Additional Information
Historia y lengua koasati:
Information about the Koasati tribe in Spanish.
Alabama-Coushatta Nation:
Koasati links.
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Native American crafts
Native American genealogy
Grand Council of the Crees
Tribal tattoo art
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