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Pueblo Culture and History

As a complement to our Pueblo language information, we would like to share our collection of indexed links about the Pueblo Indian people and various aspects of their society. In addition to the general links about Pueblo culture on this page, please see our specific pages on the Tewa, Tiwa, Jemez, Keres, Zuni, and Hopi tribes.

The emphasis of these pages is on American Indians as a living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Pueblo history is interesting and important, but the Pueblo tribes are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern authors as well as traditional folklore, contemporary artwork as well as museum pieces, and the issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.

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Our Pueblo Websites

Pueblo Languages:
    Information and language learning materials from the Pueblo Indian languages.
Pueblo Facts for Kids:
    Questions and answers about Pueblo culture.
Pueblo Legends:
    Collection of Pueblo Indian legends and folktales.

Tribal and Community Links

All Indian Pueblo Council:
    Consortium of the 19 Indian Pueblos of New Mexico.
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center:
    History, culture and educational programs of the Pueblo people..

Pueblo Indian Lifestyle and Traditions

Pueblo Indian Facts for Kids:
    Questions and answers about the Pueblo lifestyle past and present.
Texas Indian Map:
    Tribal maps showing the original territory of the Ho-Pueblo Indians and their neighbors.
Pueblo Indian History:
    History and genealogy of the Pueblo Indians.
The Delight Makers:
    Detailed ethnography of the Pueblo Indians.
Pueblo Tribe:
    Pueblo history and culture.
Acoma Ethnobotany:
    Information on the traditional uses of plants in the Acoma Pueblo tribe.
Dancing Gods:
    Complete text of a book about Navajo, Apache and Pueblo ceremonies and dances.
Pueblo Legends:
    Collection of Pueblo Indian legends and folktales.
Pueblo Indian Folk Stories * Tales of the Cochiti Indians * Origin Myth of Acoma:
    Online texts about Pueblo mythology.
Pueblo Placenames:
    Southwestern place names in Tewa, Tiwa, Jemez, Keres, and Zuni.
Pueblo Authors * Tewa Authors * Acoma Pueblo Authors * Isleta Pueblo Authors * Jemez Pueblo Authors:
    Laguna Pueblo Authors * San Juan Pueblo Authors * Santa Ana Pueblo Authors * Santa Clara Pueblo Authors:
    Santo Domingo Pueblo Authors * Taos Pueblo Authors * Zuni Pueblo Authors:
    Pueblo Indian writers, their lives and work.
A Gallery of Nations:
    Beautiful fetish carvings and other Pueblo artwork for sale from a Zuni-owned small business.
Zia Pueblo Flag * Santa Clara Pueblo Flag:
    Pueblo flags.
Ysleta Del Sur License Plates * Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo License Plate:
    Pueblo license plate.

Books for sale on the Pueblo Tribes
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links

Pueblo Nations: Eight Centuries of Pueblo Indian History:
    Book for sale on the history and traditions of the Pueblos, by a Jemez Pueblo author.
The Tewa World:
    Pueblo ethnography by a San Juan Pueblo author.
Old Father Story Teller:
    Lovely collection of Pueblo Indian legends from a Santa Clara elder.
Pueblo Indian Wisdom:
    Another nice book of Pueblo mythology from San Juan and Nambe Pueblos.
Taos Pueblo:
    Book by a native artist exploring the history and future of the Taos Pueblo people.
Pueblo Imagination:
    Striking black-and-white photography book by a Laguna Pueblo artist.
Coyote and the Sky:
    Charming book by a Pueblo author illustrating a traditional legend about the origin of the sun, moon and stars.
Earth Daughter:
    Lively children's book following the life of a contemporary Acoma Pueblo girl.
American Indian Books:
    Evolving list of books about Pueblo Indians and Native Americans in general.

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Links, References, and Additional Information

  Wikipedia: Puebloan Peoples * Pueblo Tribe:
  Encyclopedia articles about the Pueblos.
   Los Indios Pueblo * Los Pueblos * Pueblo Acoma * Laguneros:
   Information about the Pueblo tribe in Spanish.
   Acoma Pueblo Resources * Pueblo Council:
   Pueblo links.

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