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Hopi Indian Culture and History

As a complement to our Hopi language information, here is our collection of indexed links about the Hopi tribe and their society. Please note that Hopis and other American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Hopi history is interesting and important, but the Hopi Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.

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Our Hopi Websites

Hopi Language:
    Information and language learning materials from the Hopi Indian language.
Hopi Facts for Kids:
    Questions and answers about Hopi culture.
Hopi Legends:
    Collection of Hopi Indian legends and folktales.

Hopi Tribal and Community Websites

Hopi Nation:
    Homepage of the Hopi tribe.
Colorado River Indian Tribes:
    Homepage of the Colorado River Indian Reservation, which Hopi people s hare with the Chemehuevi, Navajo and Mojave.
Hopi Tribe Office of Community Planning & Economic Development:
    Hopi community information including a business directory, tourist information and a calendar of events.
Hopi Cultural Center:
    Website of the Hopi tribe's museum and tourism center.
Hopi Cultural Preservation Office:
    Tribal organization dedicated to protecting Hopi culture and historical sites.

Maps of Hopi Lands

Arizona Reservations:
    Map showing the current locations of the Hopi reservation and other tribal lands in Arizona.
Arizona Indian Map:
    Map showing the original territory of the Hopis and their neighbors in Arizona.

Hopi Lifestyle and Tradition

The Hopis:
    Curtis' early 20th-century ethnography of the Hopi Indians.
Hopi Indians:
    Article on Hopi history and culture.
Hopi of the Southwest:
    Online exhibit of Hopi Indian tools, weapons, ceramics, and other artifacts.
Hopi Indian Clothing * Indian Clothes * Native American Hair Style:
    Pictures of traditional Hopi Indian clothing and hair.
Four Directions Institute: Hopi Tribe:
    Hopi timeline and list of links.
Hopi Adobe Houses * Pueblo Homes and Villages * Hopi Pueblos:
    Information and pictures about traditional Hopi house styles.
Blue Corn Posole Stew * Hazruquive Recipe:
    Hopi food recipes.
Flag of the Colorado River Indian Tribes:
    Hopi flags.

Hopi Religion and Mythology

Dancing Gods:
    Complete text of a book about Pueblo, Hopi and Zuni dances and rituals.
Hopi Legends:
    Collection of Hopi Indian legends and folktales.
Hopi Religion:
    Online texts on Hopi ceremonies, myths, and religious traditions..
Dancing in the Desert: The Hopi Snake Dance * Origin of the Hopi Snake Dance * The Hopi Snake Dance:
    Articles about the sacred Snake Dance of Hopi tradition.
Prophecy of the Hopi Sacred Tablets:
    Compilation of several Hopi prophecies and warnings about future dangers.

Hopi Art and Literature

Hopi Literature:
    Online anthology of stories, poetry, and legends by Hopi authors.
Hopi Authors:
    Hopi writers, their lives and work.
Hopi and Pueblo Music:
    Article about traditional music from the Hopi, Zuni, and other Pueblo tribes.
Forrest Chimerica:
    Songs performed by a Hopi musician.
Hopi Kachina Dolls
    Overview of kachina carving and links to several Hopi kachina makers.
Hopi Arts Market
    Native-owned craft store featuring Hopi pottery, jewelry, baskets, and kachinas.
American Indian Art:
    Information, photographs and links about Hopi and other native art.

Hopi Politics, Issues, and News

Hopi Teens Worry About Loss Of Culture
     Hopi high school students offer their perspectives on threats to Hopi language and culture.

Books for sale on the Hopis
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links

Hopi Dictionary:
    English-Hopi / Hopi-English dictionary.
The Fourth World of the Hopis:
    Book of Hopi legends and traditional stories for sale.
The Book of the Hopi:
    Book of Hopi history, culture, prophecies, and traditions.
Field Mouse Goes to War:
    The story of the Hopi hero Warrior Mouse, with illustrations by a Hopi artist.
The Magic Hummingbird:
    A Hopi folktale about a hummingbird that helped two lost children.
The Mouse Couple:
    Children's book illustrating a Hopi legend about a mouse girl's search for a husband.
Native American Literature:
    Evolving list of books about Hopis and American Indians in general.

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Links, References, and Additional Information

Britannica: Hopi People * Wikipedia: Hopi: * Hopi Tribe:
Encyclopedia articles on the Hopi tribes.
Pueblo Hopi * Los Hopi:
Information about the Hopi tribe in Spanish.
Hopis * Hopi Tribe:
Hopi links.
Los Hopi * Historia y lengua Hopi:
Information about the Hopi tribe in Spanish.
Hopi Nation:
Hopi links.

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