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The Flood

This version of the legend comes from Edward Sapir's 1909 collection Takelma Texts.

Long ago there were people, all beings were people,—birds, ducks, deer; bluejays were all people; all sorts of beings,— buzzards, those were all people, crows were all people. Now then beavers were not ear-holed, while ducks were nose-holed,— for that reason did they become beavers.

Then a flood did come and cover all, all this world became a mass of water. And then, 'tis said, they were submerged, all beings were submerged. Then Beaver got to be at the bottom of the water, up to this day he is there. Then all the birds flew up, and for that reason they all fly today. Since Beaver was not nose-holed, since he was not ear-holed, for that reason did Beaver, for his part, get to be in the water, indeed. Thus it is.

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More stories to read:

 Native American Indian flood myths
 Legends about beavers
 Legends about birds

Learn more about:

 Takelma stories
 The Takelma language
 Oregon Indians

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