American Indian language
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Native American Legends: Raven (Arctic)
Name: Raven (Arctic)
Tribal affiliation: Inuit,
Yup'ik Eskimo
Native names: Qanglaagix (Aleut), Tulukaruq (Yup'ik)
Pronunciation: kan-glah-ghikh, too-loo-kah-rook
Type: Native American god,
raven spirit,
Related figures in other tribes: Raven (Northwest Coast)
Raven is the culture hero of the Inuit, Aleut and Yupik Eskimo peoples.
He is a benevolent and revered transformer figure who helps the people and shapes their world for them,
but at the same time, he is also a trickster character and many Arctic Raven stories have to do with
his frivolous or poorly thought out behavior getting him into trouble.
Sponsored Links
Raven and His Grandmother:
Aleut myths about the wives of the trickster hero Raven.
Recommended Books of Related Native American Legends
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Aleut Tales and Narratives:
Collection of traditional stories in Aleut with English translation and commentary.
Additional Resources
Inuit myths
Inuit language
Yupik language
Unangan language
Alaska Native tribes
Arctic Culture Area
The Eskimo language family

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Indian art
New York Montauk
American Indian basket
Leather moccasins
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