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New Blackfoot (New Blackfeet, Modern Blackfoot)

"New Blackfoot" (or "Modern Blackfoot") are names used primarily by linguists to refer to the variant of the Blackfoot or Siksika language that is used by younger speakers. As compared to Old Blackfoot, which is used by elderly speakers, New Blackfoot has undergone some pronunciation changes and some grammatical changes (such as changes to some verb forms and the change of some animate nouns into using inanimate noun endings), as well as adding more modern vocabulary. The differences are noticeable but speakers of Old and New Blackfoot can still understand each other with little difficulty.

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Here are links to our webpages about the New Blackfoot tribe and language:

 Blackfoot Indians
 Blackfoot history
 Blackfoot names
 Algonquian languages
 Native tribes of Canada
 Plains Indian culture

Here are a few good books about the Blackfoot:
 Blackfoot Ways of Knowing
 Blackfoot Stories of Old
 Blackfoot Dictionary

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