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Maidu Culture and History

As a complement to our Maidu language information, here is our collection of indexed links about the Maidu tribe and their society.

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Please note that Maidus and other American Indians are living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Maidu history is interesting and important, but the Maidu Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.

Our Maidu Websites

Maidu Language:
    Information and language learning materials from the Maidu Indian language.
Maidu Facts for Kids:
    Questions and answers about Maidu culture.
Maidu Legends:
    Collection of Maidu Indian legends and folktales.

Maidu Tribal and Community Websites

Konkow Valley Band of Maidu:
    Official homepage of this Maidu Indian tribe includes culture, history, tribal news, and links.
Susanville Rancheria * Round Valley Tribes:
    Homepages of intertribal rancherias in California where other Maidu people live.
Maidu Interpretive Center:
    Website of the Roseville Maidu museum and community center.

Books for sale on the Maidu Indians
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links

The Maidu Indian Myths and Stories of Hanc'Ibyjim:
    Maidu legends and stories, as told by a respected Maidu Indian storyteller.
Memory and Imagination: The Legacy of Maidu Indian Artist Frank Day:
    Attractive coffee-table book displaying and discussing Konkow Maidu artist Frank Day.
Surviving Through the Days:
    Anthology of myths and traditional literature from the Maidu and other California tribes.
American Indian Books:
    Evolving list of books about Maidus and Native Americans in general.

Maidu Lifestyle and Tradition

Linguistic Families of Northern California * Pre-Contact California Tribal Territories:
    Maps showing where in California the Maidu people live.
Mountain Maidu History:
    History of the Northern Maidu Indians, with pictures and old photographs.
Curtis Library: The Maidu Tribe:
    Early 20th-century ethnography of the Maidu Indians.
Maidu Legends:
    Collection of Maidu Indian legends and folktales.
Maidu Indian Tribe:
    History and genealogy of the Maidu Indians.
Maidu Authors:
    Maidu writers, their lives and work.
Maidu Indian Baskets:
    Maidu and other California Indian artwork for sale online. With many photographs.
Frank Lapena:
    Songs performed by a Maidu/Wintu musician.
Four Directions: Maidu:
    Timeline and links about Maidu history.
Effects of the California Gold Rush on the Native Americans:
    Article about the abuse of Maidu and other Native California people by gold miners in the 1800's.

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Links, References, and Additional Information

   Wikipedia: Maidu: * Maidu People: * Maidu Tribe:
   Encyclopedia articles on the Maidu tribe.
  Pueblo Maidu * La vida de las tribus de California * Los Maidu:
  Information about the Maidus and other California Indian tribes in Spanish.
  Maidu Tribe:
  Maidu links.

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