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Native American Legends: Mopo (Mopó)

Name: Mopo
Tribal affiliation: Apalai
Alternate spellings: Mopó
Pronunciation: moh-poh
Type: Creator gods, culture heroes
Related figures in other tribes: Keri and Kame (Bakairi)

Mopo and Kujuri are the two creator gods of the Apalai tribe. Together, Mopo and his brother created humans, adapted the world for them to live on, and taught them Apalai culture.

Mopo Stories

*The Creation of Woman:
    Apalai myth about Mopo creating the first women.

Recommended Books of Related Native American Legends
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Rain Forest Literatures: Amazonian Texts and Latin American Culture:
    An interesting comparison of traditional stories from the Cariban and Arawakan tribes.

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Additional Resources

 Apalai stories
 Apalai tribe
 Brazil indigenous tribes
 Amazonian Indians
 Cariban tribes

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