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Native American Legends: Hare (Little Hare)

Name: Hare
Tribal affiliation: Ho-Chunk, Iowa, Omaha, Ponca
Also known as: Little Hare
Native names: Wašjįge, Washjinge, Wash-ching-geka, Waščįgega, Wacjingega, Wacdjîgéga, Mischinye, Mastshingke, Woniŋhšiñe, Woniŋhšiŋe, Mashchíngeín
Pronunciation: varies by language; Wašjįge is pronounced wash-jin-gay
Type: Culture hero, Trickster
Related figures in other tribes: Nanabozho (Ojibway), Wiske (Fox), Gluskabe (Wabanaki)

Hare, or Little Hare, is the culture hero and trickster figure of the central and southern Siouan tribes. Names such as Washjinge or Mischinye literally mean "hare" or "little hare." In many myths Hare was created by the Great Spirit specifically to teach humankind; in others, Hare was the grandson of the earth or the son of the west wind. In some Hochunk legends, Hare is identified as the son of the creator god Earthmaker, and in the peyote religion, Hare was associated with Jesus.

Little Hare Stories

*Some Adventures of the Little Hare:
    Hochunk legends about Wash-Ching-Geka slaying monsters and exploring the countryside.

Recommended Books of Related Native American Legends
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Folklore of the Winnebago Tribe:
    Good collection of Ho-Chunk legends and folktales.

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Additional Resources

 Winnebago mythology
 Ho-Chunk language
 Ponca language
 Omaha Indians
 Wisconsin Native Americans
 Woodland Indian tribes
 Siouan language

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