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Terena Indian Language

Terena is an Arawakan language of South America, spoken by 15,000 people in Brazil. Like other Southern Arawakan languages, Terena is polysynthetic, agglutinative, and uses verb-initial sentence structure (usually VOS).

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Terena Language Resources

Terena Vocabulary:
    Our list of vocabulary words in the Terena language, with comparison to words in other Arawakan languages.
Languages of Southern Brazil:
    Map showing where in South America the Terena language is spoken.
Tribes of the Gran Chaco:
    Historical map of the Chaco Plain showing the original location of the Tereno tribe at the time of first contact.
Language Museum: Terêna:
    Translation of a Bible passage into Terena.
House of Languages: Terena:
    Information about Terena language usage.
Terena Language
     Demographic information on Terena from the Ethnologue of Languages.
     Brief Wikipedia article on this Brazilian language.
Terena Language Tree:
    Theories about Terena's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Terêna Language Structures:
    Terena linguistic profile and academic bibliography.
La Lengua Terena:
    Information on Terena including a linguistic map of South America. Page in Spanish.

Terena Culture and History Links

The Terena of Brazil:
    Online ethnography of the Terena Indians.
Terena Culture:
    Article on the history and traditions of the Terena tribe.
Tribes of Southern Brazil:
    Map showing where the Terena people live in Brazil.
Biography: Terena:
    Oral history from Terena elders. Page in Portuguese.

Books for sale on the Terenas
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links

The Terena and Caduveo of Southern Mato Grosso, Brazil:
    Anthropology book on the Terena and Caduveo tribes.
Comparative Arawakan Histories:
    Interesting book about the history and culture of the Arawak speaking tribes.
Indian Books:
    Evolving list of books about Native Americans in general.

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Links, References, and Additional Information

Os Terena * Os Índios Terena e a Guerra contra o Paraguai:
Information about the Terenas in Portuguese.

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