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Wappinger Culture and History

As a complement to our Wappinger language information, we would like to share our collection of indexed links about the Wappinger people and various aspects of their society. The emphasis of these pages is on American Indians as a living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Wappinger history is interesting and important, but the Mohican Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern authors as well as traditional folklore, contemporary artwork as well as museum pieces, and the issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.

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Our Wappinger Websites

Wappinger Language:
    Information and language learning materials from the Wappinger Indian language.
Wappinger School Facts:
    Questions and answers about Wappinger culture for kids.
Mohican and Wappinger Legends:
    Collection of Wappinger Indian legends and folktales.

Wappinger Lifestyle and Traditions

Wappinger History:
    Tribal history of the Wappingers (Wapping or Wappinck) by Lee Sultzman.
Wappinger Indian History:
    Wappinger history and genealogy.
New York Indian Maps:
    Tribal map showing where the original lands of the Wappinger Indians and their neighbors are.
The Wappinger Indians:
    Overview of the culture and history of the Wappingers.
Kieft's War:
    Military history of the Pavonia Massacre and the Wappinger War.
The Wappinger Indians and the Heirs of Adolph Philpse:
    History of the Wappinger tribe's legal battle to retain sovereignty over their lands.
Death in the Bronx:
    History of the Wappinger Indian role in the Revolutionary War.
Native Americans of New England:
    Map of Wappinger Indian territory in early New England.
Who were the Wappinger Indians?:
    Simple article on the Wappinger tribe.
Daniel Nimham Biography * Daniel Nimham:
    Biographies of the Wappinger Indian sachem Nimham.
Four Directions: Wappinger:
    Timeline and links about Wappinger history.

Books for sale on the Wappingers
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links

Schmick's Mahican Dictionary * Observations on the Mahican Language:
    Mohican/Wappinger language books for sale.
The Last Algonquin:
    Biography of a Weckquaesgeek man.
Native American Books:
    Evolving list of books about Wappingers and Native Americans in general.

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Links, References, and Additional Information

   Wappani * Wappinger:
   Encyclopedia articles about the Wappingers.
  Pueblo Wappinger:
  Information about the Wappingers in Spanish.
   Wappinger links.

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