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As a complement to our Achi language information, here is our collection of indexed links
about the Achi tribe and their society.
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The emphasis of these pages is on Achis and other
American Indians as living people with a present and a future as well as a past. Achi history is interesting and
important, but the Achi Indians are still here today, too, and we try to feature modern writers as well as traditional
folklore, contemporary art as well as museum pieces, and issues and struggles of today as well as the tragedies
of yesterday. Suggestions for new links are always welcome.
Our Achi Websites
Achi Language:
Information and language learning materials from the Achi Indian language.
Maya Legends:
Collection of Achi and other Mayan mythology and folktales.
Books for sale on the Achi Indians
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Maya Achi Marimba Music In Guatemala:
Book on the musical traditions of the Maya Achi.
Rabinal Achi: A Mayan Drama of War and Sacrifice:
English translation of a pre-Columbian Mayan play.
We Were Taught to Plant Corn Not to Kill
Essays and artwork by Guatemalan Mayas about the 20th-century violence that rocked their communities.
The Ancient Maya:
Excellent historical overview of ancient Mayan civilization in general.
Achi Lifestyle and Tradition
Indigenous Map of Guatemala and Honduras:
Tribal map showing where in Central America the Achi Maya live.
Healing Begins for the Maya Achi People
Maya Achi: The Story of a Forced Resettlement:
Stories about the violence and displacement suffered by Achi people in the 1980's.
Just What I Learned From My Grandmother:
Article about traditional agriculture in Maya Achi communities.
The Maya of Guatemala:
A good overview of the history of Guatemalan Mayan people and the issues they face today.
Mayan Placenames in Guatemala:
Chart of Guatemalan place names in Achi and other Mayan languages.
Ancient Mayan Civilization
Mystery of the Maya:
In-depth website about the ancient Mayan civilization.
The Mayan Civilization:
Information and photos about classical and postclassical Maya history.
Maya Astronomy:
Explaining the complex mathematics, astronomy, and calendar system of the ancient Mayas.
The Rise and Fall of the Mayan Empire:
Article on Mayan archaeology.
Maya Religion:
Online texts on Mayan ceremonies, myths, and religious traditions.
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Links, References, and Additional Information
Wikipedia: Achi:
Encyclopedia articles on the Achi Indians.
Indians of Guatemala:
Information about the indigenous culture of Guatemala.
Los Achies
Pueblo Achí:
Information about the Achi tribe in Spanish.

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