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Achi Language (Kubul, Rabinal)
Language: Achi is a Maya language spoken by about 120,000
people in Guatemala. Unlike many Maya languages Achi is not endangered, with an increasing number of speakers. Most Achi children
speak their traditional language at home, though they learn Spanish at school. Achi is an
agglutinative language with
fairly free word order-- although Achi sentences are usually
verb-initial like most other Mayan languages,
SVO word order is also commonly used.
The Achi language is closely related to Quiché Maya
and many linguists consider it a dialect of Quiche, although these two groups have distinct ethnic and historical identities.
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Names: Achi is the people's own name for themselves and their language. It comes from the native word
meaning "man." Other spellings that are commonly used include Achí, Achi', Achíes, Maya Achi, and Achi Maya.
The language is sometimes called Qach'a'teem or A'cha'teem Achi. There are two Achi dialects, Rabinal Achi (also known as
Rab'ina:l, Rabinal Quiché, Rabinal K'iche', or Chicaj Achi) and Cubulco Achi (also known as Kubul, Kub'u:l, or Cubulco Quiché.)
Achi Language
Achi language samples and resources.
Achi People Culture and History
Information and links about the Achi tribe past and present.
Maya Legends
Mythology and folklore of the Achi and other Mayan peoples.
Our Achi Language Materials
Achi Vocabulary
Our list of vocabulary words in the Achi language, with comparison to words in other Mayan languages.
Achi Maya Pronunciation Guide:
How to pronounce Achi words.
Achi Animal Words:
Illustrated glossary of animal words in the Achi language.
Achi Body Parts:
Online and printable worksheets showing parts of the body in Achi.
Achi Colors:
Worksheet showing color words in Achi.
Achi Numbers:
Worksheet showing how to count in the Achi language.
Achi Dictionaries and Language Books for Sale
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
Gramatica del Idioma Achi:
Book about the Achi language in Spanish.
I 'utz laj tzij re i dios:
Translation of the New Testament into Achi Mayan.
The Mesoamerican Indian Languages:
Linguistic reference on the languages of Mexico and Guatemala.
Achi Language Lessons and Linguistic Descriptions
Language Map of Guatemala and Honduras:
Map showing where in Central America the Achi language is spoken.
Chola’j Ch’a’teem Achi:
Online Spanish-Achi glossary, with some audio clips of spoken words.
Mayan Placenames in Guatemala:
Chart of Guatemalan place names in Achi and other Mayan languages.
Achi Swadesh List:
Downloadable Achi vocabulary file from the Rosetta Project.
Lengua Achí
Information on the Achi language, including a linguistic map of Guatemala. Page in Spanish.
House of Languages: Achi'
Information about Achi' language usage.
Rabinal Achi' Language Tree:
Theories about Achi's language relationships compiled by Linguist List.
Achí Language Structures:
Achi linguistic profile and academic bibliography.
Achi Papers:
Archive of linguistics papers on Achi, in English and Spanish.
The Bible in Achi Rabinal (traditional orthography): The Bible in Achi Rabinal (new orthography):
Translations of the New Testament into the Achi language using two different spelling systems.
Cubulco Achi Prayer: Achi Words of Life: Rabinal Achí Genesis: Rabinal Achí Prayers:
Achi translations of Christian prayers and Bible passages.
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Links, References, and Additional Information
Endangered Languages Project: Achi:
Bibliography of Achi language resources.
OLAC: Achi:
Reference list of Achi language materials.
Wikipedia: Achi:
Encyclopedia articles on the Achi language.
Palabras en Achí: Los Achies Idioma Achí:
Information about the Achi language in Spanish.
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