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Vocabulary in Native American Languages: Achi Words

Welcome to our Achi vocabulary page! Achi is a Mayan language, related to other languages like Quiche and Yucatec Maya. We have included twenty basic Achi words here, to compare with related American Indian languages. You can find more Achi Indian words in our online picture glossaries. If you'd like to know an Achi word that is not in these wordlists, you can take part in our Native American Indian words fundraiser or visit our main Achi site for more free resources.

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Achi Word Set

(Click here for Achi pronunciation guide)

English (Français) Achi words
One (Un) Jun
Two (Deux) Keb'
Three (Trois) Uxib'
Man (Homme) Achi
Woman (Femme) Ixoq
Dog (Chien) Tz'i'
Sun (Soleil) 'Ij
Moon (Lune) Ik'
Water (Eau) Ya
Black (Noir) 'Eq
White (Blanc) Saq
Red (Rouge) Kaq
Yellow (Jaune) Q'an
Hand (Main) Nuq'ab'
Head (Tête) Nujoloom

Click here to see Achi vocabulary words compared to words in related Mayan languages: Mayan Indian Vocabulary

Achi Picture Dictionaries

Here are some themed Achi word lists we have put together and illustrated for language learners. Feel free to print them out for classroom purposes!

*Achi animal words
*Achi color words

Additional Resources

   We Were Taught to Plant Corn, Not to Kill (Amazon affiliate link)
   Mayan Indian mythology
   Guatemala indigenous languages
   Native horse names

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