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Bribri Indian Legends, Myths, and Stories
This is our index of Bribri stories and folktales that can be read online.
We have organized our American Indian legends section
by tribe to make them easier to locate; however, variants on the same
legend are often told by American Indians from different tribes, especially if those tribes are kinfolk or neighbors to
each other. In particular, though these legends come from the Bribris, the traditional stories of
other Isthmic tribes like the Miskito and
Cabecar tribes are very similar.
Enjoy the stories! If you would like to recommend a Bribri story for this page, please let us know.
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The culture hero of the Bribri tribe. Sibú is a benign demigod who creates the earth, adapts it for
human use, and teaches the Bribris the arts of civilization.
Bé: A race of malevolent devils or
demons who seek to destroy humankind, but are bested by Sibú and by the Bribri heroes of legends.
Iriria: The Earth. Originally she was the daughter
of the Tapir (Namaitmi), who was Sibú's sister. However, Sibú sacrificed her to transform her into the earth. Because of this,
both Iriria and tapirs were venerated by the Bribris.
Kudo: The Bribri god of the dead.
Bribri Creation Myth:
Bribri legend about the sacred tapir and the creation of the earth.
Wild myths: Costa Rican animal legends:
Traditional animal beliefs and mythology from the Bribri and Boruca tribes.
Recommended Books on the Bribris
Our organization earns a commission from any book bought through these links
When Woman Became the Sea: A Costa Rican Creation Myth:
Picture book for kids based on a traditional legend of the Cabecars and Bribris.
Notes on the Bribri of Costa Rica:
Classic ethnography of the Bribri culture and traditions.
Bribris y cabécares: Sistemas de transmisión cultural en Costa Rica:
Anthropology book about the Bribri and Cabecar tribes in Spanish.
The Languages of the Andes:
Linguistic information about Bribri and dozens of other Central and South American languages.
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Bribri Tribe
Books of Native American legend
Native American shamanism
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