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Welcome to our Cabecar vocabulary page! Cabecar is a Chibchan language, related to other languages like Kuna and Bogota. We have included twenty basic Cabecar words here, to compare with related American Indian languages. You can find more Cabecar words in our online picture glossaries. If you'd like to know a word that is not in these wordlists, you can take part in our Indian language translator fundraiser or visit our main Cabecar language site for more free resources.
English (Français) | Cabecar words |
One (Un) | Ékla |
Two (Deux) | Ból |
Three (Trois) | Mañal |
Four (Quatre) | Tkíl |
Five (Cinq) | Skél |
Man (Homme) | Jayëwa |
Woman (Femme) | Aláglöwa |
Dog (Chien) | Chíchi |
Sun (Soleil) | Káwö |
Moon (Lune) | Tulu |
Water (Eau) | Dí |
Wind (Vent) | Siwá |
Stone (Pierre) | Ják |
House (Maison) | Ju |
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